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MOVE IT 2016 weekend has finally come to an end, though I shouldn’t really say ‘finally’, as I really did not want it to be over! If you do not know what MOVE IT is – you really should take a look – it is the UK’s largest dance show and exhibition.  Dancers of all levels come together in one gigantic celebration of all things dance: classes, performances, career route advice, workshops, shopping and more.

Our FirmFit activewear range was launched at the show. Everyone loved the new collection, the innovative packaging – we were completely overwhelmed by the popularity of our stand. A huge thank you to the LPCA dancers on their amazing performance dancing in FirmFit, our collaboration was incredible (see their amazing performance here). Another huge thank you to the hundreds of customers at the stand for helping us to completely sell out of our stock on the stand and then placing hundreds of pre orders. Lastly, a little shoutout to the FirmFit girls (and boys!) for all their hard work over the 3 days taking care of our customers!

Here are some of our highlights – 









Thank you for supporting,

(just like our sports bras)

Love, Dans-ez.

P.S If you want to learn more about MOVEIT click here