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Butt Lift Plie

As a ballet dancer, we all know that a plie or two can improve not only our posture, but our butts can benefit from the action too. Putting the movement into an exercise makes a big difference.

All you need to do is….

Minutes 0:00-1:00

•    Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, arms at sides, toes turned out.

•    Tuck tailbone under and contract glutes.

•    Lower body into a plie and squat as low as you can go without allowing knees to creep past toes.

•    Simultaneously raise arms to shoulder height in front of body, palms down. Hold for 2 seconds, then return to starting position.

•    After 20 reps, pulse at the bottom for 20 seconds.

Butt Lift Touchdown

This action for me, is most affective. Although, when I first started doing this it took a long time to be able to do more than eight. It is tiring, believe me. But practise makes perfect right? Once you get the hang of it, it is actually quite fun to challenge yourself to see how long you can keep up with it.

Follow the steps….

Minutes 1:00-2:00

•    Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed forward.

•    Squat down until knees are bent 90 degrees.

•    Step left leg back into a deep reverse lunge, placing right hand along outside of right thigh or touching the floor.

•    Raise left hand in front of face, palm facing out.

•    Return to starting position and repeat, alternating sides.

Butt Lift Explosive Lunge

Do not be put off by the “explosive” description. Think of it more as the difference you see will be that effective, a big difference will be made. Almost as big as an explosion? But trust me here, this exercise is not an explosive challenge, it is actually quite simple!


Minutes 2:00-3:00

•    Lunge forward with left leg until knee is bent 90 degrees, directly over ankle, right knee pointing toward floor.

•    Jump up, pushing off the floor with both feet. Switch legs in midair, landing with right foot forward in a lunge. Continue, alternating sides.